Chronicles of the Relic Hunters – The Wesley
O’Rourke was unemployed all of two days, following her resignation as Rear Admiral with the internally conflicted United Planets of the Twelve Space Fleet. She registered with the Merchant Marine in another galaxy for a captain’s position and was promptly handed an interview slip from Osmona’s Freight Business on the Wesley. Once a military spaceship repair freighter, she was now a civilian spaceship repair freighter. Emergencies could happen anytime in space. What they couldn’t fully repair, they did their best and sent them to the nearest port or towed them. That was the Wesley’s purpose and Osmona left O’Rourke in command while she went to further her business interests in another galaxy. O’Rourke’s luck turned sour as she faced sabotage on board, staffing of unqualified sailors, and a powerful relic that took control of the ship and all on board the freighter.