Arnica – unpublished version
In the sequel to ‘Merkers’ Outpost,’ Lady Alexandra and Lt. Vanster arrive on Arnica in the middle of a hostile take over of the planet. Their assignment was to find hostiles from their side of the galaxy and to neutralize them in accordance to the planets laws. Major Zohra finds herself landing in the middle of a lake at a monastery with a Sha’Kar to guide her to understanding the rules of a honorable warrior by Arnica’s standards. When their paths cross again, there will certainly be fireworks…not to mention a certain dance to make them bondmates.
NOTE: This is an unedited version. When it was originally published the editor removed chapters due to the story was too long. I have added the chapters back and added more to the story, as well as pictures. If you’re sensitive to errors I suggest you purchase the published e-book version. Enjoy. Read story: